Caterina Lacerra

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PhD student in Natural Language Processing at SapienzaNLP group. The research group, based in Sapienza, University of Rome, is led by Roberto Navigli.

I received an educational background mainly in the engineering field: my bachelor was in Automation Engineering, and the Master was in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. My current PhD research is focused on lexical semantics and, in particular, word sense disambiguation and lexical substitution.


  title={ Gene{S}is: {A} {G}enerative {A}pproach to {S}ubstitutes in {C}ontext},
  author={Lacerra, Caterina and Tripodi, Rocco and Navigli, Roberto},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
  publisher={Association for Computational Linguistics},
  address={Punta Cana, Dominican Republic}

Poster Code

  title={ {AL}a{S}ca: an {A}utomated approach for {L}arge-{S}cale {L}exical {S}ubstitution},
  author={Lacerra, Caterina and Pasini, Tommaso and Tripodi, Rocco and Navigli, Roberto},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  publisher={International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence},

Poster Website

  title={ {E}xemplification {M}odeling: {C}an {Y}ou {G}ive {M}e an {E}xample, {P}lease?},
  author={Barba, Edoardo and Procopio, Luigi and Lacerra, Caterina and Pasini, Tommaso and Navigli, Roberto},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  publisher={International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence},
  title={ {CSI}: A Coarse Sense Inventory for 85\% Word Sense Disambiguation},
  author={Lacerra, Caterina and Bevilacqua, Michele and Pasini, Tommaso and Navigli, Roberto},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 34th Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  publisher={Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence},

Website Code


